• Sustainability

Home composting 101

🌱 Wild

We all dream of living our best sustainable lives – with eggs from our own chickens, water from our own butts and produce from our gardens. Now, this isn’t always possible but there is one pretty easy thing you can do to upgrade your sustainability game. It’s not glamorous, but it works. We’re talking about composting, of course.

With composting, it’s all upside. You can sustainably and ethically dispose of your household waste, creating wonderful compost that you can use on your garden (or plants or baskets, whatever green space you’ve got). And what’s even better is that your Wild refills are actually home compostable – and that includes our amazing new Body Wash bottles (which feel just like traditional plastic!).

So, we’re going to take you through a few tips and tricks for getting started with your compost, as well as how to compost your Wild refill bottles and deodorant refills too.

Getting started with compost

Get your compost bin
You’re going to need a large, purpose-made compost bin that is big enough for all your composting needs. These can be found in all garden centres, as well as being widely available online. Be sure to get one that is designed for composting!

Find a nice spot
Yes, you might want your bin over there for the garden feng shui. But actually it’s more important that your bin is somewhere sunny and warm, as this helps the process along. So be sure to put your bin in a light spot in the garden, where it will get all the solar rays it needs.

Start with grass
Now, you’ll want to compost lots of your household waste, including plant-based food scraps. But we really recommend making sure you’ve got plenty of grass in your bin to help it get started. This is because grass is a good source of nitrogen. Eggshells are also great as a source of calcium.

Keep an eye on temperature
A healthy compost is a warm compost – if it is working, it should get nice and toasty! That's because of all the gasses being let out through decomposition. If things aren’t warm inside, add more bio matter to help it along, and stir.

Composting your Wild refills

Deodorant Refills
Wild refillable, natural deodorant refills are made from bamboo pulp, so they’re really easy to compost. Just pop them into your compost bin, cover them with other compost and let nature take care of the rest. The same goes for our Lip Balm refills too!

Body Wash Refills
Our refillable, natural body wash refills are made from a compostable material called Vivomer. It might feel like conventional plastic, but it’s actually derived from natural and plant-based sources. The clever thing about it is that it’ll stay strong in your bathroom, but as soon as it is in a contaminated environment (like a compost bin) it starts to decompose. In fact, it’ll disappear faster than a banana peel. Just pop it into your bin, making sure it is nice and covered. If you want to speed things up, you can put food waste into the bottle to help it decompose from the inside.

So there you have it – some handy tips for getting started with your very own composting journey, as well as the need-to-know information on composting your Wild refills. Do get in touch to let us know how you’re getting on. Happy composting!

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