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You made us make a Lemon Meringue deodorant

๐ŸŒฑ Wild

At the end of last year we posted a poll to our Facebook community asking which scent the good people of Wild would like to see next. A maverick added Lemon Meringue as an option and this stroke of genius captured the imagination of hundreds of you and it won the vote by a country mile.

Our Pink Case with the Lemon Meringue refill ๐Ÿ‹

Fast forward three months and weโ€™ve kept our word of letting a Facebook poll determine the success of our limited edition Easter launch. Whilst weโ€™re still not sure if this was one big 'Boaty McBoatface' style prank led by a cunning saboteur, the jokeโ€™s on them because weโ€™ve smelt it and itโ€™s utterly delicious. The deodorant has been whipped to perfection and we know this is exactly what the progressive pits of the world want to smell like.

The scent features top notes of sweet, creamy and biscuity meringue which is cut through by the clean and fresh tang of lemon with a drop of orange blossom. The scent is every inch like a homemade lemon meringue pie and is a perfect balance of sweet and tart. We reckon it would have to win star baker along with an esteemed handshake from the judge of deodorant scents.

Now a lemon meringue pie on its own is pretty good but weโ€™re serving up this tasty dessert with a side of a brand new PINK case. Like Lizzo and Harry Styles, a pastel pink case and a Lemon Meringue refill is the iconic duo weโ€™ve always needed. Thereโ€™s quite literally no better or more beautiful vessel to dish up your new scent with.

So as we head out into the Wild again, arm yourself with the best citrus pudding there is and a pink case to help you navigate the sweaty world of being re-socialised. Remember, Lemon Meringue is a limited edition scent and you do not want to miss getting your pits on the freshest deodorant of 2021!

*Lemon Meringue is our limited edition Easter scent and can be bought here. Pink cases are a permanent addition to the Wild line-up and can be bought here. *

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